Watch Pk online 1080p HD

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PK in hindi HD

Watch PK in hindi HD
this is an awesome movie that reveals some serious truths behind the indian cultures but i am not supporting their cast.You should watch this movie.This movie is currently categorized as "funny"
but i think it must get some new tag line.This is an awesome cast of Amir Khan who is a famous muslim actor of Bollywood.He is a great man.In the movie he has a role of an alien whom transmitter was lost which was used to transmit his messages and links to his planet...(watch and know more)

What IMDB says about

short story : 

A stranger in the city asks questions no one has asked before. Known only by his initials, P.K.'s innocent questions and childlike curiosity will take him on a journey of love, laughter and letting-go.

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