How to Add picture in an mp3 file

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Add a Picture in an Mp3 File

How to add PIctures to an MP3 file

nowadays the mp3 format of the music got famous and everyone now usually downloads mp3 files of their music from the websites which offer them for free...i this way the websites get traffic i.e views + money for their visitors while the visitor gets its favorite music for free.
Suppose if you own a same mp3 downloading website then how you can promote it...
Yeah its so easy..!!

you just have to add a pic including your website url and then the person will remember the name of your website and also other persons will also be able to reach your website anyhow that is another topic and we will discuss on it in another post on my this blog...

This is method of adding pictures to mp3 files which may help you... watch below in the video >>

Now follow to process to add pictures to your mp3 files...

1.Open the mp3 file using windows media player.. right-click on the song and click "paste as album art" re done... 

see a pic below to better understand this process..

How to add pics to mp3 file - wikihow

if you didn't understand then please comment and ask for help i will freely help you....thanks for reading read more here
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